Now Enrolling for 2018-2019 school year, Classes begin Sept. 7, 2017.

Now Enrolling for 2018-2019 school year, Classes begin Sept. 7, 2017.
Accepting registrations for grades Pre-K-6th. Email

Thursday, September 1, 2016

First Day Arrival

Here's a glimpse so you'll know just where to go on the first day!

This is Liberti Church. If you're coming from the West, this is the view you will see at entrance. Under the marquis a sign pointing to parking and main entrance in the back.
This is the backside parking lot. Both lots that you see here belong to Liberti. You may park in either. There's an entrance sign in the corner with the white walls.
Here it is up close. Go in here. The door should be unlocked, and one of us should be here to greet you, but if for some reason not, use the door bell on the pad at the right.
Walk through the main foyer and go in this doorway where my kids are standing and take the stairs to the next level. When you come out of the stairs, you'll see the sanctuary to your left.
This sanctuary is where we will meet for morning assembly. When assembly is finished, we will move together to the classrooms.
Can't wait for a great first day!

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