Now Enrolling for 2018-2019 school year, Classes begin Sept. 7, 2017.

Now Enrolling for 2018-2019 school year, Classes begin Sept. 7, 2017.
Accepting registrations for grades Pre-K-6th. Email

Friday, September 30, 2016

Reading Aloud

Today we mentioned the importance of reading aloud as an integral part of our school days. What a blessing and privilege to snuggle up with our kids and read together! Not only is it the most pivotal factor in language development, the bond that it builds with our children has proven to increase their self-worth and emotional stability.

Infographic taken from 

Make it a goal to read 20 minutes aloud each day. It doesn't have to be consecutive, and small children who are active also receive the same language benefits if they are in the room but still moving about.

The most important thing is to keep it enjoyable and consistent!

Half-a-hundred-acre-wood blog shares book suggestions that correlate with our CC Cycle studies. Here is her list for this year's Cycle 2.

Charlotte Mason has book lists organized by age and subject here.

You can purchase (or borrow from your library) the book Honey for a Child's Heart, which reemphasizes the importance and joys of reading as well as has book recommendations for rich enjoyment and learning.

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